Pet Pain-Away Pain Relief Products for Dogs and Cats Presented by: Independent Entrepreneur Robert Duncan

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Pet Pain-Away Pain Relief Products for Dogs and Cats
Presented by: MyNyloxin Independent Entrepreneur Robert Duncan

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Home : Products :
Research & Studies

Pet Pain-Away is supported by significant clinical evidence consisting of 46 clinical studies and 20 pre-clinical studies documenting the effectiveness of cobra venom for the treatment of various types of pain, including cancer pain, chronic pain, and arthritis.

Clinical Studies

  • Wei S, Qiu L; Chen ZH; Xu MC. Effect observation of Snake venom point injection in the treatment of scapulohumeral periarthritis. Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2007. 14: 68,96.

Pre-clinical Research

  • Catassi A, Paleari L, Servent D, Sessa F, Dominioni L, Ognio E, Cilli M, Vacca P, Mingari M, Gaudino G, Bertino P, Paolucci M, Calcaterra A, Cesario A, Granone P, Costa R, Ciarlo M, Alama A, Russo P. Targeting alpha7-nicotinic receptor for the treatment of pleural mesothelioma. Eur J Cancer. 2008 Oct;44(15):2296-311.

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  Home : Products :
Research & Studies

Pet Pain-Away is supported by significant clinical evidence consisting of 46 clinical studies and 20 pre-clinical studies documenting the effectiveness of cobra venom for the treatment of various types of pain, including cancer pain, chronic pain, and arthritis.

Human Clinical Studies

  • Wei S, Qiu L; Chen ZH; Xu MC. Effect observation of Snake venom point injection in the treatment of scapulohumeral periarthritis. Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2007. 14: 68,96.

Pre-clinical Research

  • Catassi A, Paleari L, Servent D, Sessa F, Dominioni L, Ognio E, Cilli M, Vacca P, Mingari M, Gaudino G, Bertino P, Paolucci M, Calcaterra A, Cesario A, Granone P, Costa R, Ciarlo M, Alama A, Russo P. Targeting alpha7-nicotinic receptor for the treatment of pleural mesothelioma. Eur J Cancer. 2008 Oct;44(15):2296-311.

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Home : Products :
Research & Clinical Studies

Pet Pain-Away is supported by significant clinical evidence consisting of 46 clinical studies and 20 pre-clinical studies documenting the effectiveness of cobra venom for the treatment of various types of pain, including cancer pain, chronic pain, and arthritis.

Human Clinical Studies

  • Wei S, Qiu L; Chen ZH; Xu MC. Effect observation of Snake venom point injection in the treatment of scapulohumeral periarthritis. Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2007. 14: 68,96.

Pre-clinical Research

  • Catassi A, Paleari L, Servent D, Sessa F, Dominioni L, Ognio E, Cilli M, Vacca P, Mingari M, Gaudino G, Bertino P, Paolucci M, Calcaterra A, Cesario A, Granone P, Costa R, Ciarlo M, Alama A, Russo P. Targeting alpha7-nicotinic receptor for the treatment of pleural mesothelioma. Eur J Cancer. 2008 Oct;44(15):2296-311.

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ILE Robert Duncan

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